Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world” - Archemedes, Circa 250 BC

The Fulcrum is an impact incubator that runs alongside my music. It’s an accelerator program for entrepreneurs and artists who are working on bringing a vision to life.

I believe that each soul has a gift to give, and that identifying that gift and then developing the giving of that gift is an integral part of accelerating our own personal development and our collective development as a human family.

For those of us who feel a calling to create something, The Fulcrum offers a group container of mentorship, support and community.

If you have a project that you feel strongly is your soul’s calling, and you would like support around intention setting, creating and setting a vision, making the plan, assembling resources, assembling a team, and then executing on the vision, the Fulcrum program was created for you.

Our next cohort will be launching soon. To start a conversation about how The Fulcrum can support you in realizing the light in your heart, tell us a little about you below: